mgirardo wrote:
My big newbie mistake was listening to the Salesman :) I asked about a weight distribution hitch when we bought our Hybrid Travel Trailer. We had a pop-up before, so WD Hitch wasn't needed. He told use we might not need it and that he'd let me know after we hitched up the camper. When we took delivery and hooked it up, his opinion was that we didn't need it, because the trailer was pretty level.
On our first trip out of state into Pennsylvania (lived in NJ at the time), I almost lost the camper on I-476. Between the pot holes and the passing trucks, the camper started to sway and it got really bad to the point that the tires were chirping and the camper was pulling me into other lanes. At least I had the road to myself, since every other car and truck was staying way back.
The one thing that saved me was the one piece of advice the salesman gave me that was useful. He said if the camper does start to sway, don't hit the brakes. Hit the gas to straighten it out. My instinct would have been to hit the brakes. I hit the gas, speed up to about 80 mph until it finally straightened out.
Drove the rest of the trip at 50 mph there and back. First purchase after we got home was a weight distribution hitch with built in sway control. Went back to PA the next weekend without a problem.
Actually, you should be using the trailer brake in a swaying situation, not speeding up to 80 mph.