mobeewan wrote:
Even here there can be restrictions transporting firewood from state to state or even county to county.
Check the local papers for people in the area you are heading to selling firewood. Do an internet search for firewood and the area where your destination is located. You may get a hit or two.
If you are towing with a truck, shipping pallets are a good source for wood that can cross state lines. They can be broken down or placed whole in your truck bed under your gear. The wood is bug free and has been kiln dried. Square shipping pallets are usually held for reuse, but sometimes given away. See if there are any windshield replacement shops or commercial glass repair shops near your home or destination before leaving and call ahead to see if they have any pallets they are giving away. They usually have odd sized pallets and pallets with side framing that aren't usually reused. We have a local windshield replacement shop that stacks them outside for free give away instead of paying for disposal of them.
In the past, I've saved pallets with the oak used for any cooking and the pine for the camp fire after dinner.
Scrap lumber is also a good source for transportable kiln dried and bug free lumber. Construction sites may let you rummage through their trash bin or even let you have a few pallets.
In Oregon State do not bring pallets in to burn.