Doesn’t usually garner many responses. Maybe either because most of the rvnet contingent aren’t into water sports or maybe they think their home made setups are better. But a very easy simple setup is a wakeboat ballast bag or bags and ballast pump.
Quick high volume, durable and plug n play.
I used to use one of our bags when camping with the TC. If we needed to pack extra water in to the back country with the camper still on the truck (and kids in the back seat) I’d fill a 400lb bag on the back seat floor. Supplied hose with the pump and the cord were long enough to reach the cig lighter for power and the filler on the camper.
If camper unhooked, I’d put 800lbs of H2O sacks in the truck bed (or back seat) and bring in enough water to dry camp for a week like the water was free… Nice luxury for the wife to not have to take navy showers in the woods….
Just like other bladders they fold up small for storage. Bonus is you have a plug n play setup and you can get virtually any size/shape of bag you want vs the “bladders” which are typically flat and take up more floor space.
You can easily rig a pump and hoses etc to pump out of buckets, barrels, jugs etc as well.