Forum Discussion

Hennroo's avatar
Jul 13, 2018

2017 Superduty 2.5” Receiver - reducer not snug?

My camper has a 2” hitch with ball.
The Superduty comes with a 2” reducer to fit my camper hitch.
I still have a lot off up down and sideways slack when it’s put in.
Is this slack normal?
  • Mine is pretty sloppy on my GMC, too, but I don't really notice it when under way.
  • Lynnmor wrote:
    Buy the correct shank, that adapter is best used for a small utility trailer.

    Get the right stuff. Adapter is for temporary use only.
  • News flash! It's ALL trucks, IMO. All will have a little slop in the hitch/receiver connection. If it bothers you, NEVER tow a pintle hitch! Lol
    Length of drawbar either minimizes or exaggerates it too. Long draw bars for wdh setups or hitch extensions exaggerate the "slop". They even make little kits to snug up the hitch for those that find it annoying.
    Regarding the sleeve, put it behind the seat for a rainy day and get a 2.5" hitch before you bend a pin and or Waller out the holes in the receiver.
  • Even with a matching shank, the 2017+ Ford receiver's are very sloppy in both the 2.5" and 3" variety. Yes, it's normal for them but not right IMO.
  • Either that or get yourself a 9" or 12" Curt weldable hitch tube, drill another cross hole, and use that for the adapter sleeve. It is a much better fit, and supports the shank better.
  • Buy the correct shank, that adapter is best used for a small utility trailer.