Samsonsworld wrote:
Lantley wrote:
Samsonsworld wrote:
All I can say is they were all turned to electricity. Whether they were all running, I never paid much attention to. But I don't go turn one off before turning another on, and I can't recall any issues. Believe what you want.
While I can't dispute your experience. It is not the norm. Typically you cannot just let those items run together without tripping a breaker on a 30 amp circuit.
Been going to the same state park for 25 years. The spots I like are 30amp. 5 different trailers, though only the last 3 had an electric water heater. Sounds normal enough to me.
Now throw in a hair dryer.....different outcome.
Having read this thread , we too stay at that same park here in Montana every summer for the past 22 years . Although it never gets hot enough to run both air conditioners , we run one on occasion with the 30 amps . We never experience a tripped breaker only if like some say , air conditioner can be running , and water heater on electric we are okay ,but anything else like a microwave , hair blower etc will trip it . It's been pretty simple either shut off the switch for the water heater or air conditioner , and then we can do about anything we need . Not a big deal for us .