I get to be the engine of the train sommetimes though I don't consider myself to be a slow dawdler. As a rule I won't do cars any special favours. They have the hp to get up & go around where the chance presents itself. If they don't, well, stay back there.
Trucks get a break. When an overtaking chance comes up Ill get over so he can see & slow abit when he makes his passing move. Sometimes you get a blink of appreciation. Sometimes not. It seems to be a regional thing with mid western & mountain state truckers much more appreciative than eastern truckers.
What really irritates me is when there is a passing lane on an uphill. No, I am not slowing down & losing my momentum to let everyone pass. What gets me are the ones who slowly pass preventing everyone else a chance from getting by before the passing lane ends. Pure thoughtlessness for anyone behind them.