Forum Discussion

D_E_Bishop's avatar
May 14, 2013

A Thank You for all your prayers for our daughter

To my friends and fellow travelers, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support and the prayers you sent to our creator. Many of you have read about our eldest daughter since she was diagnosed with cancer several years ago. I have posted on and off about how she has been doing and how she has been fighting to conquer this insidious disease.

Today she met with a Doctor from USC School of Medicine and he had many good things to tell her. He has not been her Doctor or Oncologist but, she has gone to him for help and direction in the past. She had surgery late last year and almost immediately her indicators dropped dramatically. Then she had a small setback when her Doctors and Oncologist diagnosed her with leukemia and felt that it was caused by a combination of things including her radiation, chemo and the disease itself. At this point her indicator numbers jumped and she had a minor relapse, losing control for a couple of days.

She rebounded quickly and in a couple of weeks her number lowered. Since then she has accepted new and exciting challenges at work and has been interviewed by Reuters and other news groups. I am not quite sure exactly what she is responsible for at this time but she is a central figure in the recently publicized “White Shark Study” being conducted by the State Department of Fish and Wildlife. This new assignment took her mind off her troubles and she has been pressing on in learning all she can about colon cancer and what she can do to augment her medical treatments.

Back to today at USC, the Doctor she met with today said in his opinion that rise in her indicators was not caused by her cancer but was a fluke, He has never seen indicators go down. If there is cancer present they will only go up. Then is said that her leukemia was probably cause by extensive radiation she receive forty years ago, that it takes years for the markers for her variety of leukemia to show up. Her leukemia is under control with very mild drugs, her colon cancer seems to be in total remission and for the first time in 50 years she is voluntarily eating vegetable and other natural supplements. She has always been a little chunky and had dropped over one hundred pounds back when Ferggie was involved with Weight Watcher but in the last five years has put a small amount back on and she is once again losing the excess weight but through healthy eating and exercise. She still goes to WW as they have always been a goodly part of her support group.

The Doctor told her should the cancer return, that she is an excellent candidate for more surgery.

So to Steve and all of the rest of you on the forums, THANK YOU for your kind words and prayers. I had something much more flowery to say but Bless All of You. May you know that every sunrise and every sunset includes a prayer from our families to all of you and your families.

  • You sound like a very strong man and a really great Dad. As the father of a healthy, vibrant young daughter who is also committed to her work, you have my admiration for your dedication and exemplary love for your child.