First post:
I think it would be helpful for a lot of people to know what the local acceptable speeds are.
We all know 55 is a fantasy, so what do you really drive at home.
Additional post:
Why is it so hard to get a succinct answer to a simple question?
I am in unfamiliar territory. I wish to go some place in the region. I am not on an interstate.
At what general speed will other traffic I encounter be traveling?
Because your question was not succinct nor truly answerable. First post indicates you are talking about highway, i.e. reference to 55 mph.
I cannot tell on any given day what speed someone may be traveling on the secondary roads in my area. It depends on weather, traffic, if it's during the school year, and what mood people are in. You might as well ask "what's the best unit for me". I think the answers you have gotten fit the question you have asked.