As for quiet.. Well not sure such exists though I will admit it is hard to hear my Coleman run.
Now the thing about colemans. Not inside but outside. THEY SUCK.
Most all the competition BLOWS.
Now I am not speaking slang but literally The fan on the condenser coils (Outside up on the roof) Sucks air in Through the condenser. This means that crud. like Cotton wood cotton and such. collects on the OUTSIDE of the condenser. You take out 4 Phillips head bolts. Lift the cover off. Peal the cotton off (or brush it) put the cover back and replace the bolts. Job done.
With the others that BLOW the crud collects on the INSIDE
About 10 screws mroe or less to remove the cover (I can understand more is better here)
Now you need to remove the inner cover over the condenser this may be a few more screws or on my Advent air. cut and remove tape. bend tabs. NOW you can get to teh dirty side. you may need to remove the fan if your hands are XXXL like mine. and of coure put it all back together.
Thankfully teh fan on my Advent Air was a CHINA BOMB (It blew up.. Literally) and the replacement .. Well the only thing the dealer had that would fit was a COLEMAN so now it sucks too. Way easier to clean let me tell you.