Forum Discussion

Jsterner's avatar
Aug 03, 2013

Air Conditioner Generator Advice

I am looking for suggestions for the least expensive way to power my Coleman Mach 8 air conditioner. I have a late 80's Champion Telstar RV. The RV itself is in good condition but, unfortunately, after spending over 1000 repairing the Onan Genset another component failed that will cost almost $2000 to fix. I am attending a week long event in the desert where I will need the RV AC for about6 hours a day (the RV was purchased mostly for this event so that I could have AC for my wife that has health issues). The Onan tech suggested buying a used generator on Craigslist . But, I am worried that I will spend another $1000 dollars and have the unit fail. For those more knowledgeable than I, if you had to power the AC, would you fix the 1989 800+ hour Onan generator, risk buying a used generator, purchase a cheaper portable unit or pay the painfully high cost of a new genset? Any and all help or suggestions would be appreciated.
  • Just a thought on the repair -vs- buying. If this is the only time you may use the generator you may be better off with a portable unit if you would use it home for other purposes. A nice Honda will run very quit and can be used at home in place of stringing extension cords around for power. Just something to think about. I have an Onan in my toy hauler that works perfect but I also have 2K Honda that I haul on my ATV to work with power tools at the barn, mail box, and other places. If you don't have any other use for a generator I would get the unit in the RV repaired from reputable shop.
  • I'll also say to have someone else look at the Onan- if it is the original BF, those things are bullet proof, and I cannot think of any repair on one that would be $2K. Those come up for sale around here for the $500 range.
  • I agree with what everyone has said about getting the Champion 3500/4000, noise level and finding out how long you can run it. I have one and it starts in any kind of weather.

    As others have given you warnings about weight, noise, location, I'll add fuel consumption while running the air conditioner. Any generator running a AC unit is going to be a thirsty beast and the Champion is no exception. You wouldn't notice it as much with the on board generator as it is connected to a large fuel source.

    Other than that I'd say get a second opinion on the generator.
  • We were told in May that our Onan generator needed to be replaced since the part alone to repair it would be $1800.00. Took it to another shop paid the diagnostic fee and was told the repair with parts would be less than $200.00. and was told that this happens with the older generators since there are some major differences between the old style and new style generators. Have put over 100 hours on it since and still running fine.
  • JaxDad's avatar
    Explorer III
    Jsterner wrote:
    I have a late 80's Champion Telstar RV. The RV itself is in good condition but, unfortunately, after spending over 1000 repairing the Onan Genset another component failed that will cost almost $2000 to fix.

    For those more knowledgeable than I, if you had to power the AC, would you fix the 1989 800+ hour Onan generator, risk buying a used generator, purchase a cheaper portable unit or pay the painfully high cost of a new genset? Any and all help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Although you don't say what you had fixed, I'd say the first thing you need to do is find a new repair shop. If that Onan is the original in that rig it's not the computerized version we see today. There's not a lot to go wrong. 800 hours is nothing on those units. A friend has one as the primary source of electricity for his summer place on an island, it's got more than ten times that many hours on it.

    The most common failure I've heard on those older units is either surface rust between the stator ring and brushes and / or loss of energy in the 'permanent' magnets, both of those things are fairly easy to fix, WITHOUT removing the genset from the RV.
  • 2112's avatar
    Explorer II
    I'll 3rd the Champion 3500/4000 (if allowed). Noisy but highly reliable at a good price.

    It is somewhat heavy. It'll take two people to move it unless you have a strong back or you are a creative thinker.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    Assuming you all checked out and can run your generator for those long time periods where you will be. Alot of public places do NOT allow the use of generators for long extended times.

    There are certainly alot of such places here on the East side of the US with generator run time restrictions...

    Just bringing it up since I notice you are a NEW MEMBER and may not be aware of the issues of using a generator anytime YOU want to.

    Private camp grounds and dispersed camping locations may not be a problem at all but I would check to be sure... Would hate to have spent all of this money getting all setup only to find out when you get to the camp ground you can only run your generator for just a few hours in the morning and then again for a couple hours in the early evening. In all of the Natl Forests and like areas here on the East side of the US it is usually no generators allowed at all after 8PM at night.

    Just passing along info we run into alot concerning the use of generators... Very loud generators is another issue in itself... Also generators used in Natl Forest have to be approved type generators to guard against starting forest fires...

    Roy Ken
  • I'd say the cheapest, but reliable way would be the above mentioned Champion. It isn't quiet, but it will do the job and provide fairly clean power.
  • For a single air conditioner out in the desert I would get a Champion 3500/4000. About $300 with a 30a RV plug already on the generator. I currently have twin Honda 2ks with extended run tank I use for the FW tailgating when needed but also have the champion and it is a great generator especially for the price.