timmac wrote:
Turtle n Peeps wrote:
It's your money but you will pick up next to nothing. Kind of like flipping the air cleaner lid over in the old days. The only way to deal with those altitudes is supercharging.
Well if you set it up right from the start with headers to go with the cold air intake you can see gains in HP.
Check out this video with just the cold air intake, they were to prove it would do nothing but by surprise it gained some HP.
To compare a high performance, high RPM Honda engine to a tow vehicle engine is to compare apples and hippopotamuses.
Like I said. You will pick up next to nothing. Let me do the math and define what I consider next to nothing.
You take a Hemi that puts out 400 HP at sea level and you put it at 11,000 ft like the OP was talking about and that same Hemi that put out 400 HP at sea level will now put out around 270 HP. A loss of around 130 HP.
Lets say you at a cold air system and it give you 5 more HP. Big woop, you made 5 HP of the 130 you lost in the first place. That is my definition of next to nothing.