In my case, with Newmar product, I am NOT talking about "poor" quality. What I'm talking about is a level of quality which some people wish was better. Me too, I wish that about everything I have. I'm somewhat of a dreamer.
On the matter of buying a RV, each buyer needs to decide what level of quality they can afford.
IMO what y'all are talking about is a level of quality that's not likely to change, unless there is a purchase-price increase. Case in point: After negotiating for a 27% discount across the board, I paid $170K for my Dutch Star (in 2003). Now, the 2014 Dutch Star is of a significantly higher quality. BUT, the price is much higher.
In RV's, which really can't be mass produced like cars since RV's are constructed more like house construction rather than how cars are constructed, higher quality means higher prices.
BTW the number of potential sales (real or anticipated sales) will determine if mass construction techniques are warranted.
I'm convinced that foreign companies have looked at building larger RV's, but so far I haven't seen any of them do it (here in the USA). Not enough profits for their taste, perhaps.