Forum Discussion

Rygar's avatar
Dec 31, 2016

Andersen Ultimate Fifth Wheel Hitch

I recently upgraded my TV so thought I'd get a new hitch. The Andersen is incredibly easy to install with the Ford factory hitch. However, I'm spending an awful lot of time lining up the hitch ball with the ball receiver on the fifth wheel. With a standard hitch there was a margin of error that made it easy to hook up. It seems you have to have the receiver almost perfectly over the ball or it won't drop in. Does anyone who has this hitch know of any tricks to line it up? I think I'm up to triple the number of curses I used to use hooking up.
  • I drew a black line down the mounting block to align with the hole, put my wife's iPhone on the truck wheel well, connect with FaceTime to watch the alignment as I back under the hitch.
  • brianpearce wrote:
    I use a foot long piece of pool noodle sliced down the middle, put on the ball and when it gets knocked off, I am aligned. I have a fold back tonneau and cannot see the ball when reversing to hook up and this has worked for me since getting the new truck and Andersen hitch.

    That sounds like a great idea. I also have a fold back tonneau so I can't see the ball. My Andersen does have the round cup but it still has to be almost perfect to drop it in,
  • I added the funnel they sell so I don't have to get as close. I found I have gotten better at it. I've thought of adding a piece of tape on my back window and a piece of tape on front of my trailer.
  • I use a foot long piece of pool noodle sliced down the middle, put on the ball and when it gets knocked off, I am aligned. I have a fold back tonneau and cannot see the ball when reversing to hook up and this has worked for me since getting the new truck and Andersen hitch.
  • I can't see the ball from the driver's seat, but there's a screw smack dab in the middle of the Tonneau cover when it's folded forward in the flat/locked position. I use this to line up on the center of the kingpin adapter when backing up. A Magic Marker line on each side of the pin adapter indicates the center of the receiver cup fore-and-aft for lining up that way. With my wife telling me when to stop, we nail it the first time every time. Even when working alone, I don't have to get out of the truck more than once or twice. I don't have one of the new funnels and, as long as my wife is willing to help, don't think I'll spend the money and find an impact driver.

  • Put truck in "R"
    Right hand on top passenger seat
    Left hand on top of wheel
    Look over right shoulder and ball is visible
    Line it up to the coupler and back up slowly


    If you need Andersen now makes a funnel adapter for the coupler that allows you to be off by a bit more and still drop the coupler onto the ball
  • Are you using the funnel that Andersen makes? With that and my sighting tool, I rarely have to work hard. My sighting tool consists of a foot long section of 2" PVC with a rubber coupling on the end. It slides over the ball and gets knocked off when the hitch is in position.
  • Can you SEE the ball on Andersen by looking out rear window...either by looking over shoulder OR via rear-view mirror?