Forum Discussion

hershey's avatar
Dec 19, 2013

At what point do you step in and offer help?

A nice nearly new Newmar was backing into a space just across from me. He and the wife have wireless mikes and earphones so there is a lot of communication between them both by voice and by arm movements (and the slamming of the tranny into reverse and drive and extremely jerky movements).
He has little problem getting into the space which is nice and wide but works very hard at getting his MH across the space in the opposite direction that it should be in. It has a patio so its a no-brainer. But, he's kinda straddling a corner of the patio. This goes on for about 15 minutes and there was a lot of hand waving and yelling besides the communication devices.
Now he's on his belly, crawling under the MH to insert the dump end of the sewer hose into the sewer inlet. Its about 2' under the MH at this point. He has a FMCA number that is not nearly a new one so I'm assuming this isn't his first rodeo...maybe the number plate came with the MH? Who knows.
I feel a bit like a jerk for not pointing out some of the obvious things that would simplify his parking and utility hookups but he doesn't look like the type that would see my effort as intended...more like an intrusion.