Forum Discussion

phemmert's avatar
Mar 19, 2014

Atwood Gas Hot Water Heater and Access Door

I have a 2007 Lazy Daze with a 6 gallon Atwood electric ignition gas hot water heater that's worked flawlessly until this trip. Long story short, the heater will not re-ignite as needed when the outside access door is closed. When open, it works normally. When closed, the heater will work fine, until it needs to relight, then will only operate for a few seconds, then shut off. The red light on the interior panel comes on steady. I open the access door to the heater, turn off the master switch, turn back on, lights off, steady green light. All is good. A service tech told me that airflow access to the heater itself is the problem.

Nothing has changed with the coach. Why would airflow to the heater suddenly be an issue, or is something else amiss? Discovering this anomaly was amazing to begin with, but I'm puzzled why the issue crops up now, when everything else is equal. Air supply seems to be the culprit, but I have to think something else nefarious is at work.

Thoughts anyone?
  • Discovered the problem. The igniter wire coming from the panel has been rubbing up against the access door over time, and eventually it's created a short. Every time the door closes, this bends the wire just enough to open the circuit. New flame sensor/igniter wire is ordered. Thanks for everyone's help.
  • Try wiping the ignitor cable and ceramic part of the electrode down with a rag with a bit of silicone lube sprayed on it. Also check the thermostat/eco connections, as well as the circuit board.An air or LP problem would be audible.
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    I had this same problem with mine and figured that I was not getting enough air, so I adjusted the flame for more air. This is after doing all the other stuff like cleaning the burner tube, orifice, exhaust tube, flame sensor tip, ground wires and checking the control board. The problem was intermittent. I finally replaced the flame sensor and that fixed the problem.
  • Right, I've seen the cost coat hangar and rag trick. All the other gas driven appliances work perfectly fine (especially the furnace system) so lacking a check of the system gas pressure, anecdotally I don't think that's the problem. When the heater does run, the flame appears normally. Within 5 seconds of closing the access door, the system shuts down, nearly immediately.
  • If air supply has not changed, the LP pressure could have. But- you do need to physically run a brush through the tube, not just look at it.
  • I would be looking at the electrical as well, we had a problem with the electronics module.
  • The burner tube was completely clean, no obstructions there. Next I'll check the combustion chamber and gas orifice. Thanks!
  • Need to clean the burner tube, possibly the combustion chamber/exhaust 'U' tube and maybe even the gas orifice

    Doesn't take much to upset the air/fuel ratio.........even spider webs can do it.