Assuming you have the same or similar meter, I circled the important parts in yellow.
Turn the knob to DCV 20. That indicates you want to measure DC voltage and no more than 20 volts. (Typically set the voltage to the nearest voltage you expect while rounding up)
Plug the red test lead into the middle port
Plug the black lead into the bottom port.
Turn the meter on.
unplug the shore power cord for the trailer.
- Now touch and hold the pointy end of the red test lead to the positive or (+) post on the battery
- Touch and hold the pointy end of the black test lead to the negative or (-) post on the battery
This is your battery voltage. Write it down.
Now plug the shore power cord back in.
Repeat the two steps above to take a second voltage.
If your system is charging you should get a higher voltage at the batteries.
If needed post your two voltage measurements and we can help you determine if it's charging.
Read the display for your voltage.
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2001 Suburban 4x4. 6.0L, 4.10 3/4 ton **** 2005 Jayco Jay Flight 27BH **** 1986 Coleman Columbia Popup