There is nothing wrong with being a independent contractor as long as you know all the rules and conditions.
As a independent contractor you are responsible for all your taxes. Some tax rates are higher since the employer does not pay any.
Worker's compensation insurance is your responsibility. If you are injured "on the job" you personally must have a policy in force or you have no coverage.
Business liability insurance is your responsibility. Liability coverage usually included defense costs from someone wanting to sue you even if the situation is unfounded or someone, or their attorney, is on a fishing trip to try to get money from someone or anyone.
Being an independent contractor increases your chances for a tax audit. The key to a tax audit is that you must have documented everything. If you claim a milage deduction you best have a daily milage log of your business trips. But not every mile you drive may not be deductible. Did you do any sightseeing?
Your expenses may have to be divided between business and personal. An example could be you go to an area and rent a campground space for a week. You spend one day working on the sales job. Then you the rest of the week sightseeing in that area. You might only be able to deduct one days RV park fees since that was the only part of the trip that was work related.
The independent contractor situation might be fine but it does need to be researched. As I said it does have it's rules.