They are what we always called "yellow jackets". Maybe they are really classified as hornets. The nest did look like the photo Paul posted. Inside had some individual cells. I don't know. And I don't care. But those are the suckers that I am allergic to. You say TOMATO...I say POTATO. Can "BEE" be a generic term?
Ever since I got one stuck in my motorcycle helmet when on a New England enduro. A timed trail ride. I was stung about eight times. And don't tell me they cannot sting eight times. I know better. About 30 minutes later after itching all over and starting to swell up. I left the trail and rode to the hospital emergency room. Started having a little bit of trouble breathing and my tongue was getting big. Doctor gave me a shot of Anti-histamine (I think). And gave me hell for driving there on my own. Now mind you, I was all sweaty, wet, muddy, and just real gross. They watched me for a few hours. They seemed to be pretty nervous for a while. I didn't think it was any big the time. Now I know better.
Doctor told me that the venom will always remain in my body. And if stung again, could be just as serious. Or more so. So I don't like to mess with anything that looks like a bee, and stings me.