More Hornets. Ground nest. Just like Dog Folks predicted. This time one got me. Trip to the hospital.
Last Sunday mowing the lawn on the tractor. A beautiful day. Mid 80's, low humidity, sunny. Me in a tee shirt and shorts/sandals. Almost done on the back forty. OUCH...SON OF A....!!!! Stung on right forearm. Put her into over drive. Choke down a few Benedryls. Wife screaming at me to not OD. Only got about 4 down before she grabbed the bottle out of my hand.
"OK...Honey. I'm off to the hospital." "Oh NO YOU DON"T STUPID!!!! Wait for me to drive you. You just doped up on Benedryl, A-HOLE. You ain't driving anywhere. All I gotta do is put on my eye makeup." "Yeah....alright....just starting to get a little itchy. So we got some time yet." Ten minutes later..."Hey Hon...we gotta go...NOW!!! Whats taking you so long?"
" said we got plenty of time." "Yeah well I'm startin to swell up now." Getting the hives. Itching all over. And lips are getting numb. If you aren't ready, I'm taking off now. I'll call you when I get a chance." "Hold on there cowboy. I'm coming right now. Get in the car. And don't think about driving....Stupid!!!"
Get to the ER and they are LOADED. But rush me right in...on the FAST TRACK. Shove an IV into me. Nurses all over me. Watching me swell up and develop welts all over me. "You just lay still until we can get a Doctor to approve the IV. You did say you have insurance, Right?"
Lay there for two hours with no doctor and no IV. Itching eventually starts to subside. And welts are looking a little better. Finally, here comes the doctor.... "Hey whats the problem....You don't look so bad." All I need is a friggen shot. And I'll be outta here."
"OH no! No shot for you. Not at your age." "Then why are you keeping me then." What are you gunna do? We're gunna dose you up on steroids thru your IV. We'll need to watch you for a couple hours, tho'. But the steroids will take about 6 hours to take effect." "What ?? Six hours? Then why are you going to observe me for a couple hours?" Just to see how you handle the steroids." " Who is your insurance carrier? You got supplemental, right?"
"Wait Doc...I think the worst is over. Look my hives are almost gone. The itching has stopped. My lips are less numb, now. I think I don't need your treatment now. Appears the Benedryl is finally kicking in. Get a nurse to unplug me and I am outta here. " I knew I was on the right track, because my wife, and the nurses agreed with me.
And they did....And I did. So they really did nothing for me, in the 5 or 6 hours I was there.
Three days later and about 20 more Benedryl. And almost no sign of a problem.