pnichols wrote:
I have a wonderment question: Where is the mod for an RV bed that is conveniently adjustable in tip angle from head to foot and/or left side to right side???
My DW has a bad back and the exact tip-angles of the plane that the mattress rests on is ultra important to her for reduced pain when sleeping. I've spent countless hours using blocks under all of the front and/or rear tires trying to get the RV to just the right amount of "off-level" when setting up at campsites such that her bed is just right.
In other words, boy or boy would I sure like a platform frame to lay her bed mattress on that was easily adjustable via a remote contol so as to get it's at-rest tippage just right AFTER I had gotten the RV's floor about level using the usual blocks under the wheels approach during regular camp setup.
Perhaps you could have some dense foam cut on an angle that would suit her. Ask at an upholstery shop