Jul-09-2020 11:38 PM
Sep-22-2020 06:40 PM
Sep-18-2020 10:58 PM
Sep-11-2020 10:31 AM
Dick_B wrote:
But the really best is the Hensley for weight distribution AND anti-sway. The design eliminates sway not just dampens it.
Sep-11-2020 06:31 AM
Sep-04-2020 12:45 AM
gouldc wrote:
Curious about awkward angle unhooking. Is it difficult with the Equalizer or is essentially the same challenge with all WD hitches?
Sep-03-2020 03:36 PM
Sep-03-2020 03:22 PM
Jul-13-2020 07:52 AM
Jul-13-2020 07:23 AM
Jul-12-2020 07:39 PM
Jul-12-2020 04:37 PM
APT wrote:
Not much has changed in 12 years for WDH. Anderson is a new player in the mid-range with integrated sway control with positive feedback along with Equal-i-zer 4pt, Reese Strait Line, and BlueOx SwayPro.
Jul-12-2020 03:57 PM
Jul-12-2020 02:15 PM
Dick_B wrote:
Remember the title to the post was: `Best....'. Our Equal-i-zer has service us well for all the years we have had our rig BUT it is not the `best'.
Jul-12-2020 10:36 AM