westend wrote:
Post back in a year or so and let us know how that worked out for you.
...Hasn't been a year yet, but here's an update:
Been on several trips carrying the bikes. Sometimes on the back of the Fusion (towing and driving), one trip carrying them on DW's minivan, and one carrying them on back of the MH. It works perfectly, we are very happy with this arrangement. This Thule rack, like I mentioned before, holds the bikes rock solid. There is very little movement back there at all, whether driving the Fusion or towing it behind the MH.
Really like the versatility the hitch mounted rack provides - we can (and have) carried the bikes on either the back of the MH (when not towing a car), back of the Fusion, or the back of DW's minivan. Rack works great, regardless.
I know some have implied a Class II hitch could be bad news with the weight of 4 bikes on it. I think the hitch stabilizer strap I got (noted in a previous post) really helps. It takes some of the weight, stress off of the receiver.
Only complaint I have, and it is very minor: Putting the rack on and off the receiver is a bit more tedious than I'd like, due to the screw-in bolt you use instead of a regular hitch pin. The Fusion's receiver being so low and back behind the bumper adds to that. Still, my fat self needs the exercise, so thats OK. :)
Soooo, anyway, lesson learned for anyone reading this in the future: There is absolutely no reason why a 4 bike rack, in a 1.25" receiver, won't work just fine on a 'toad' being towed behind a MH. WOrks just fine for us. Provided, that is, that you do your homework, get the right receiver, a good rack, stabilizer strap, etc.