Yolue wrote:
We RVers need to Boycott places that don’t allow a special part of the camping experience...”campfires”. It’s bad enough that so many places don’t allow wood fires but not allowing propane campfires is beyond ridiculous.
Though I do not do campfires much anymore (Did enjoy them when wife was alive)
Some places due to drought conditions or other conditions dis-allow wood campfires.. Not the campground but the Govermaurent. And in some cases the ban is not specific enough so even propane fires may be prohibited. I some even a charcoal grill may be prohibited.
Many many many many Times I have seen what would have been a very good law.. Very poorly written so that it went far beyond the author's intent. Usually they fix it when that happens. but not always and the fix may take time.
Example.. a Ban on electronic communications when driving can be so broad it bans the Police officer's 2-way radio. Have seen it.. Thankfully amended to allow 2-way radio of the Type the police officer (And I though not a cop) use.