campincory wrote:
This situation was an emergency. We are now are covered through our insurance.
No, by definition it was not. So you understand.
EMERGENCY: Means there is an immediate threat to LIFE or health.
Broken down on the freeway there is always the chance that Joe, who just posted to facebook about doing 90 down the freeway in Tennessee, will swerve and hit you. That is a major threat. I know of a case where a simple flat tire turned into a multiple car, multiple fatal, multiple injured accident.. That is an Emergency.
Nobody was in danger from your trailer sitting there a bit longer than planned. In fact the park SHOULD have made accommodations Most will. That may be extending your use of that site, or moving your trailer with their tractor/truck. But most parks will take care of you when that happens. all the ones I park at have the ability to do that.
This comes from the rules on the use of MAYDAY as an emergency call
By the way: PAN, is the code for lesser threats, means remote threat to person.. Immed to property (Example would be a fire where there is no occupancy..
Or in English: Priority, not (yet) an Emergency but could become one.
Anything less is routine. for most communications operators.
(For folks in my former line of work,, Priority, is kind of routine, but then..... Turns out I was the only one in the office who actually knew the meaning of "Mayday", the on-duty at the time had to figure it out. )