Water-Bug wrote:
I recently had a tire go flat on my 5er while parked in a KOA. GS covered the charges for a truck to come out and mount my spare. Obviously nobody was in danger in a KOA campsite nor was I on the side of the road.
True. but Flat tire coverage is a separate paragraph in the contract and IS provided for.. You gotta read all that fine print..
Joke (True funny story) follows:
Was at a auto-body repair picking up part for wife's car when an insurance adjuster came in and, finishing up there said he was headed for a tow yard where a client's vehicle had been sitting, for like a year.. I gave him directions, since I worked there at the time. He ask why we waited a year to let them know.. I told him was not our job, was the job of the police department (By law) He said "I need to see that" so I fired up my laptop and brought up a copy of the Michigan Vehicle Code which specifically said notifying the owner of a recovered stolen vehicle was a "Duty of the police".. He ask for a print out,, So I got out my A-6 pocket printer and dumped it to paper.. A-6 in case you do not know is a european standard for paper, They specify a size for A-0 the you fold it in half Fold across the narrow width) and it becomes A-1, Fold that it's A-2, and so on, 8.5 x 11 is very close to A-4, so take that and fold it both ways and you have 4.25 by 5.5 Which is very close to A-6,, The printer dumps a standard 80 character line, in five or six point type (1/2 the size on your screen) He complained the print was too small.
The young lady behind the counter responded before I could "Insurance Companies INVENTED SMALL PRINT" (Actually I think it was banks, but..)
Everyone (Save him) got a good laugh.
I still have a copy of the (now updated) Vehicle code on my drive, that paragraph has changed.. The Tow service now notifies the Michigan Department of State (Secretary of state) who notifies the owners.