Dtank wrote:
Smog compliance (factory specs) should be the same for all 50 states.
If you take delivery in CA - you *WILL* pay approx 10% in sales tax.
Also (delivery in CA) you will most likely have to pay CA registration = big bucks.
Take delivery out of state - or purchase in a state with no -or low- sales tax.
Advice: Revise your purchase plans !!..:R
BTW - "break in period" is no different for a Class C -vs- your car or pickup,
or your personal preference.
Look at the chassis/eng mfgr's handbook.
CA has stricter emissions laws than most other states. Just like all the warnings "this product is known to cause cancer in CA." Sure glad I don't live in CA, too many things I use would give me cancer if I did live there. http://www.californiacarlaws.com/smog-laws/