A lot of the national parks camp grounds are run by concessionairs. At least around here your hired for the season at one camp ground. Your paid minimum wage for XX hours a week. Problem is the job usually requires way more than they will pay you.
We hosted at state parks for 7 years and loved every minute of our time. As an example Oregon state parks ask for 20 hours a week each for a couple. You work 5 days on and 2 days off to go explore or do what ever you want. When your on, as a greeter host, we bundled fire wood, cleaned fire pits, sold ice, picked up trash, rake the sites. It usually took us maybe three hours a day. If your ambitious there is always lots more to do. Just depends on your physical abilities what you may be asked to do. Normally I was oit working in the park 6 to 8 hours a day, because I liked to keep busy. Never had to clean bathrooms unless no one was around and something happened. Did not mind doingmwhat was necessary.