Been reading and following since the first post. Every post since has value. The vast majority seem to be of opinion that additional persons equate more usage, costs, lower value to the other guests with fewer persons.
I'll chip in with a simple concept. Say the camp has an extra fee amenity, be it waterpark, paddleboats, mini golf pick your fun. Along comes a mom and asks ' why cant you make it free?'
Our reply is how could we make it free, we would have to raise our rates to cover the cost which would not be fair to those who do not use that amenity, in effect having them pay- subsidize your family.
I congratulate the OP on his family and choice to travel in this way, teaching the children the joys of outdoor fun. We commiserate with the fiscal burden that is associated with a large family.
how far can any entity offer its facilities without limitation on usage? How can an an entity justify a rate for up to 4 persons yet permit the next with 12 which trebles the camp cost risks usage at the same rate while lessening enjoyment for those others?
If any one has the answer to these questions, please speak up.