STORY ALERT: Our Cub Scout Troop was having a first "Camp Over" in someone's back yard. I enthusiastically volunteered to demonstrate how to create a campfire, starting with tinder, then kindling (showing how to safely tap out thin pieces of wood with a hatchet, etc), then onto the larger split 2x4, etc. Lighter fluid is a big help too. Captivating stuff to a kid -- and apparently to adult pack leaders, too.
A week later, I missed (ditched?) the next Troop committee meeting.
I got a quick phone call that I was the newly elected Committee Chairman (the King over all). "Why me?!" I axed.
"Because you weren't there to defend yourself. Congratulations."
PS - Turned out to be a darn fun next three years, raising money thru pancake breakfasts to buy all new tents, camping gadgets, etc. Even though my son was out of scouting.