I think we've all experienced The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly when camping. That's the beauty of this lifestyle, you just never know what's going to happen next.
My wife use to get so uptight with her job, attempting to do it 100% perfect. When things went contrary, or sideways, or even out of control, she'd literally come unglued and fall apart.
I don't know how many times I told her, you've got to be like a fishing bobber. Regardless of how many waves come at, no matter how tall the waves are, no matter how low the water gets after the waves pass, no matter the color of the water, the depth of the water, the smell of the water, wether it's a rushing river or a calm lake, fresh or salt water, a fishing bobber always floats on top! Always. Just be a fishing bobber and keep floating on top and you'll be just fine. In other words, go with the flow and make the best of an uncomfortable situation, adapt, and keep happy.
It took her 30 years, but she finally made it!
When camping, things are always going to happen contrary to our own expectations. Be the bobber and just float along with all the manifold changes occurring around you. Add them to your experiences, and laugh about it when you are sitting in that nursing home some day.