I served in the Navy during Vietnam.In the late 80's,I became involved in our local VFW.Eventually,I became an officer.I talked to and video taped many of our members.Most of them were WWII vets,but we had some Korea and Vietnam vets too.After 9/11, I was asked to gather some vets to talk at our local school. One of the guys I invited graduated 3 years ahead of me in high school.I knew who he was but never knew him personally until after that day we talked to the kids.Marty originally lived near Allentown,Pa. When he was about 5,his mother and a brother were killed in a car accident.Him,his father and remaining family moved to our area and grew up at the local children's home. Marty's dad had polio as a child but still worked at the home to support the family.Marty became a good athlete in high school and after he graduated he joined the Marines.He was sent to Nam. A few weeks later,he was wounded for the first time.He spent 6 weeks recuperating but was sent back into combat.Not long after,he was wounded again.This time,he lost one leg and his other leg was severely injured. He was eventually sent to the Philadelphia Naval Hospital,the closet facility to our area.He spent over a year in and out of the hospital recovering and learning to walk with an artificial leg.Marty could have spent the rest of his life drinking and feeling sorry for himself or feeling guilty for being an only survivor.You see everyone else in his squad died the day Marty was wounded.But he began working as an apprentice to a shoemaker for $1.00 an hour. 5 years later,he took over the business and ran it until he retired a few years a go.Even after he retired,he continued working part time.Every Memorial Day,Labor Day,Veterans Day and the 4th of July,Marty could be seen sprucing up the local Veterans Memorial and placing flags along the highway.Marty was a class act and was an inspiration to me and others that knew him.The thing I learned from Marty and some of the other combat vets I got to know is that you must face your fears head on.Marty admitted he had his problems like sometimes drinking too much,but he perservered.Two months ago,I got a phone call.Marty died of a massive heart attack.He was 67.I don't know what your situation was,but I hope Marty's story may inspire you to get out and do the things you want to do.Don't let the past hold you back.