Trekkar wrote:
dewey02 wrote:
I've got a different version of camp spreading.
It was at a USFS campground. The people pulled into the site. Immediately, they got out a pole saw and started cutting branches off trees. Then they got out a weed wacker and started mowing down vegetation that wasn't tree sized. I'm not talking just grass, but vegetation that was waist to shoulder height. Probably doubled the open area of the camp site. This was a forested campground with lots of vegetation between sites (which we prefer so as not to be a big open area). Of course, there was a site and trailer for a campground host, but he/she was not there the entire time we stayed at the campground.
The camper must have been somewhat local, because he came back and started unloading firewood at his site and stacking it between trees. He probably had a full rick of wood stacked up before he was done. Fortunately, we were leaving the next day, so we didn't have to contend with whatever other modifications or actions he took on.
I had a very similar incident at a NFCG several weeks ago. Camper had yellow "crime scene" tape along the sides and front of the campsite. (no registration ticket on post) Tons of gear, but other than the tent, it was household stuff. I suspect he was living there.
We have a spot we go to on the east side of the Mt. Hood Wilderness in Oregon. The road to the campsite is actually listed as 'closed' on their maps, but it is clearly open and in use. About a 1/4 mile from our camp spot, is what we call the 'Cowboy Camp'. This is open range land and they will set up in the fall and corral all their cattle for shipping out. They certainly do campsite improvements to keep the brush down, bring in firewood, trim trees, etc. Even build his & hers outhouses.