We have one that I connect up but not on usually. It's an old Teaberry.
Truckers don't use it much anymore.
When we get nearer to places like Indy we turn it on.
Truckers, a lot of them have switched to a different channel, I think I heard.
Thinking of a new 10 meter with CB too. The antenna is also the fm/am antennae, so that needs some changes too probably.
I doubt I can reach beyond two miles either way with the antennae plus I had the meter replaced some years ago and they took out the high powered crystal.I guess they wanted it for their own.
If just the other RVers would use the CB perhaps on our own channel we might be able to avoid three hour and more delays from wrecks etc.
We had a Lady with a bathroom emergency knock on our door while stopped,for who knows how long one time. Yes we let her use our facilities.
She was a lady. I think we had much or dinner, the wait was so long.