Mar-14-2019 06:04 AM
Oct-27-2019 03:40 AM
Oct-27-2019 03:31 AM
Oct-27-2019 03:10 AM
Apr-10-2019 07:55 AM
Apr-09-2019 06:50 AM
Apr-08-2019 06:14 AM
Apr-07-2019 06:18 AM
Apr-06-2019 11:15 AM
1320Fastback wrote:
Just completed a 4,200 mile round trip and this is the first time I left the CB at home. With phones and app based maps with traffic it just didn't make the list of things to bring.
Our last trip of 2,000 miles I took it and didn't hear one call while it scanned the entire time!
Apr-06-2019 11:03 AM
philh wrote:
And Waze will quickly report "Smokey's" location.
Apr-06-2019 10:49 AM
twodownzero wrote:SidecarFlip wrote:
I have one as well but mine s a Single Side Band 10 meter radio and CB combined. We use ours in conjunction with handheld units when camping in the forest to communicate. Not so much on the road. Hard to distill the gibberish from factual information.
It is not legal to transmit on the CB bands with a radio that is capable of transmitting outside of band. In other words, there is no legal radio that can transmit on the CB frequencies and the 10 meter amateur bands. All CB radios must be type accepted by the FCC; the radio you describe is obviously not.
I took the CB out of my truck because I don't have any interest in talking on it. I do have a CB in my offroad truck because other offroaders use it.
Apr-06-2019 10:33 AM
DrewE wrote:Slowmover wrote:
A proper thru-roof mount antenna on your tow vehicle will cause it to outperform nearly every big truck. I’d consider an AM/SSB Radio the minimum (UNIDEN 980 or PRESIDENT McKINLEY) and with an RM ITALY KL203 Amp — runs off 15A circuit; ck eBay — you’ll “get out” as far as you can receive. A SIRIO 5000 antenna. WEST MOUNTAIN RADIO CLEARSPEAKER to decipher faintest signals.
Aside from being illegal, that sounds like a fine setup.
The FCC imposes limits the output power of a CB radio; exceed those, and you're broadcasting without a license, and potentially liable to pay quite substantial fines. Many do get away with operating illegally powerful CB radios, but personally I would not chance it; the potential repercussions are far too great.
Apr-06-2019 10:20 AM
Slowmover wrote:
A proper thru-roof mount antenna on your tow vehicle will cause it to outperform nearly every big truck. I’d consider an AM/SSB Radio the minimum (UNIDEN 980 or PRESIDENT McKINLEY) and with an RM ITALY KL203 Amp — runs off 15A circuit; ck eBay — you’ll “get out” as far as you can receive. A SIRIO 5000 antenna. WEST MOUNTAIN RADIO CLEARSPEAKER to decipher faintest signals.
Apr-06-2019 10:09 AM
Apr-01-2019 10:42 AM