YC 1 wrote:
dave54 wrote:
YC 1 wrote:
Repeaters for police and fire will not pick up cell phone signals. If you are meaning their actual communications channels.
They use different frequencies and modulation techniques.
A separate antenna connected to different base unit on the same tower will receive 911 calls. Not too common yet, but increasing in mountainous rural areas.
Can you explain this a bit more please. Some new piece of communications equipment on the market?
Cell phones do not connect to 911 dispatch centers via their towers or radios. They connect via phone lines. The cell towers and vendors send that information via their infrastructure.
im interested as well because these are two completely unique and unrelated technologies.... And to that end, even the cell carriers frequencies and modulation techniques are completely different. It's simply impractical to pack all that into a cabinet and interface it to a conventional law enforcement "repeater" system, and then expect a dispatcher to understand what they even have. AND it would be illegal on many different fronts as well. So if there is documentation backing this up, I would like to read on how it's functionally done and the legal waivers to allow it..
As far as getting a usable signal on a non-registered cellphone, often those are not 'S' Meters, they are QOS, that looks at the signal as well as the loading on the system. Something I discovered with Nextel that would apportion the call coverage over two way comms with completely different readings into the exact same cell site.