mahafae wrote:
Didn't realize this could be a heated topic. I have been a stay at home mom with the older 2. But it made our life more difficult. When they went to school, I went to work. But I continued to work after having the baby (10 year difference between middle child and baby). That being said, school is one of our biggest reasons for wanting to go full time. The older 2 have had a lacking education, tried homeschool with them but they were already indoctrinated to public school. With the baby, we want to give her a wealthy education. By that I mean to say, I don't want her to read about the Grand Canyon, I want her to be there, explore it. In order to do this, we both need to work.
We are still in the planning phase. I appreciate all of the suggestions. I had not considered a hospital that offers childcare.
With two older kids over twelve, is there a possibility that you can work your schedule so that the oldest looks after the "youngers" when you're at work? I grew up in a family where both Mom and Dad worked, and that's the way we did it.
Not that I was always crazy about the arrangement when it was me doing the babysitting! ;)