Same temp here across the river from you at Old Town/Fanning Springs, Florida. 32F here in Florida feels a lot colder than 15F back in West Michigan on the Lake Michigan shoreline were we live. It's downright bitter below 40F here in Florida and even bone chilling below 50F, can't wear enough clothes to feel comfortable outside. All winter back at home we only wear a sweatshirt with a simple nylon Spring jacket over it and are very comfortable.
The unlined nylon jacket blocks out any wind/air penetration and the sweatshirt is the insulation up north. Doesn't work here in Florida because of the constant very wet air that gets unbearable when the air temp goes down. Air temps are so deceiving to the feel down here in Florida and when hot here (80's plus) it's plainly muggy and gets unbearable too. Strange to see that nobody goes outside of the homes or RV's when it's below 60F or above 90F. Over 50 years of observing this now!
So unlike up north where people are out in droves all winter even in 10F temps and we don't worry about 90's because it just doesn't happen on the lakeshore area where we live. Will probably head back home in about 2 weeks as there's no snow or ice which is why we even spend 2 to 2-1/2 months down here in winter because my wife is disabled and doesn't want to chance slipping and falling. 19 surgeries so far and lots of metal/screws/and 3 fusions and doesn't want any more! Do what you gotta do!
BTW, was the same temp here and back home in Michigan (40.3F) at midnight last night (Saturday) and already in the 50's at 10 am today (Sunday) back home and no snow on the ground and no ice on the river or Lake Michigan. There are several live cams we access constantly within approx 3 miles of our home on the lakeshore.