SRT wrote:
Do you wonder why the cost of some products are what they are...??? That's to cover the insurance that the manufacturer must carry if and when they are sued. Wonder why medical products/procedures are expensive? Check out all the ads on the TV by lawyers trolling for business. This country has lost some of it's being personally responsible - "Stupid is, as stupid does..."
Guess you have not figured out that the medical industry enjoys double the profit taking of the same industry in Canada or Europe. Congress actually mandated that the US government could not make bulk purchase agreements with the drug and medical companies as is routinely done in Canada.
Blaming lawyers are an easy way to get people to ignore the real crooks in the medical industry and their lackeys in Congress and the FDA. If companies behaved responsibly there would be no need for attorneys as their would be no victims or families of victims to sue - think about it for a minute or two and then go take a nap.