That is funny! Here is my dog poop story. Many years ago, our dog had to go while I was leveling and setting up. No problem, pick it up and put the bag on top of the tire, passenger side because I was setting up and would see it easily. I have a bag of trash I need to throw anyway. This is why you shouldn't be distracted when you are setting up or breaking down, of course I forgot the bag and the trash. We went out later, pulling away I hear a "pop" noise. Looking around I don't see anything. Drive a little further and remember the bag. Circle back to pick it up and fortunately it is not a splattered mess, but now I am mad at myself. I fix that by grabbing the bag of trash from the storage compartment, which I also forgot, and throwing the bag into it and then throwing the bag in the trash. Drive a while farther and start questioning myself. Hmmm, better go back and check. Yes, I did. I put the bag of poop in the trash bag that held our sewer hose and connections instead of the bag with trash in it and threw it away. Darn, have to go retrieve it now. I probably had the neighbors talking that night. Live and learn, I have not done it again .... yet.