heidisdad wrote:
I stopped by the Honda dealer and we did what you described. This gave me the option of either a turntable dolly or a fixed dolly. I went with the EZE tow (fixed) dolly because of it's lighter weight, fewer parts to fail, and price point.
I went with the Master Tow turntable dolly. Have towed our 2017 Honda CR-V twice behind our coach and it works well.
Note: I have been ignorantly towing with the dolly without brakes. I now have all the parts to install the electric brakes and control with the integrated wiring in the coach with the Prodigy 3 brake controller I am transferring from my truck that used to tow our travel trailer.
- changed "fixed" to "turntable" for dolly type.
- deleted part about stresses which were not an issue due to the turntable.