Forum Discussion

ianmac23's avatar
Apr 01, 2015

Dometic thermostat showing 88

Hello please help

My dometic thermostat is showing 88 no matter what it is on. If it is on fan, cool,or heat is shows 88. I have tried powering off everything and it did not help

Thanks for the help

  • tatest wrote:
    A numeric display with all segments on will show the numeral 8. Been this way since neon pixie disolays, through fluorescents and early LEDs. There is something wrong with the display controller, unless this is a fault mode for the heating/AC thermostat itself. Says nothing in the thermostat manual?

    From the OP: Really weird I turned it off for 10 mins and it is working now. It is 74 outside so I hope it is not too hot
  • A numeric display with all segments on will show the numeral 8. Been this way since neon pixie disolays, through fluorescents and early LEDs. There is something wrong with the display controller, unless this is a fault mode for the heating/AC thermostat itself. Says nothing in the thermostat manual?
  • We live in Ohio and during the winter our heat is set at 65. So spring break in Florida is humind and hot to us. So yes at 74 and humind we and our husky are really hot. During the summer we would be finw
  • Some people like the dehumidified air, some like the white noise.
    To each his own.
  • Really weird I turned it off for 10 mins and it is working now. It is 74 outside so I hope it is not too hot
  • Click here for the thermostat manual. I'd try a reset to see if that would work.

    Where I encounter the "88"s are when the temperature is too hot. The thermostat then locks out the A/C... but not the fan, so I end up running the fan until the rig is cooled down, then reset the thermostat, and then I usually can get the A/C on.