rjstractor wrote:
FIRE UP wrote:
This is not about "blown tires". This is not about Tire Pressure Monitoring systems or, noticing or not noticing that you "still have a toad back there". It's about DRAG, and a SERIOUS AMOUNT OF IT! How many of you have ever tried to push a vehicle/pickup truck/anything that had THE EMERGENCY BRAKE STILL ON or, IT'S STILL IN PARK, or, IT'S STILL IN GEAR????????? The simple and incredibly obvious answer is, YOU CAN'T!
Scott, just to play devil's advocate, Phaeton motorhomes can weigh up to 42000 pounds and have over 1200 ft/lbs of torque. Dragging a Honda Civic around even with the front wheels locked with one of those is like dragging a loaded shopping cart with a car. A driver SHOULD be able to feel the extra resistance, but as you and I know from years of riding in the right seat of a fire engine, some drivers are far less aware of what their rig is doing than others. Obviously this driver was not aware at all!
Well Sir,
You could be right here. I guess I get a bit pessimistic quite easily. I'm so acutely aware of what's going on with my coach, my car, motorcycle, boat etc. that, when something's even the slightest out of sync, I shut things down 'till I figure out what's the problem. And, being that aware, has saved my butt and, a few gazillion dollars over my life time. As I stated way early on, I did exactly what the Phaeton driver did but, it was on hard packed sand.
Still, I knew, right off the bat, I was using way too much throttle just to get moving and, also as stated, as soon as I let off the throttle, it was like I was putting on the brakes. So, I had only drug my Jeep a few feet.
I guess I'd have to actually drive that coach, with that engine, towing that load, with locked up front wheels, to see what kind of feeling the person felt in order to accurately judge something like this.