wa8yxm wrote:
Many people say all batteries in a bank must be identical, Same age, make, model, size and so on and so forth.
Not so.. Batteries in parallel can be mixed
Batteries in series (SIx Volt you pair them 2 in series to make one big 12 volt battery) Each pair must be identical twins.. However the next pair need not be identical to the first pair.
"The smaller battery will charge faster" NO, it will not
"The older battery will "Take down" the newer one" Only if shorted
Shorting is one failure mode... And I've seen a new battery short out in under a week (Thankfully I'd gotten the one with the lifetime warranty so they dropped in a new much longer lasting one no charge).
First of all Thank You all for your replies, now to even show my dumbness more can you tell me the proper way to wire batteries in parallel please. The reason I ask is I've had 2 different so called service people tell me 2 different ways to wire parallel. go figure.