We are basically week end warriors for a couple of years and the a huge 10 week or longer trip and then week ends for a couple. We're retired so a weekend can be anywhere from 3 days to two weeks. The more we travel and the older we get, we eat out less and less. Our favorite local campground has fantastic Take-Away foods and we really long for it when we're not there, but lately after one lunch and one breakfast, we eat in.
Our favorite places while at home are local specialtiy place. There is a local steak place where we treat ourselves, a fantastic Chinese place where we eat every week, a Mexican restaurant I've been going to for over 45 years and an Italian place we love due to the old country menu and have been going to since we were dating. I am a Cheeseburger junkie, we do have several places for that in a five mile radius(not McD's or BK or any big chain places).