Cameras all the way man. I could tell you if a mouse visited my trailer. Luckily its just been bunnies. Lots of ways to make it work but with 12v batteries, solar, wifi ($20 a month jetpack works), and cameras you can get as creative as you want. Im very happy to know if any creepo is creeping around my trailer. Make some visible. Make some hidden. Hide an auxiliary battery and let the creeps cut the battery and think everything is shut down. While you have audio and video of them at their safehouse. Might find a bunch of stolen items there. You could watch live video of them driving your stolen trailer and know exactly where they are at. This is pretending you have multiple cameras and depending how deep you want to go you make it so they stay running after they smash the cameras they find and cut power to the trailer and dont find your wifi. Not all that hard to do these days. 12v trailer batteries play nice with all the 5v USB stuff. All low voltage and low heat.
Hiding an auxiliary battery is a little extreme but it would be pretty sweet. Even if you had 1 camera hidden somewhere that stayed powered with wifi you could gain enough info to give the cops or post to social media. Im a big fan of the police but lately i see people post a pic of their stolen trailer or truck on a facebook group and instantly have a lot of lookouts on the streets. Really nice Rv got stolen just the other day. Guy noticed it on the local freeway here. The thieves realize they were spotted and pulled over right on the freeway. Guess they jumped out and ran!!! Might have made the news. I dont watch the news. Good story though.