Fizz wrote:
Saw an article a little while back saying today's 4K TV will not receive OTA so wait before you buy.
It was a long technical paper, I only read the first paragraph.
This is a common problem.. You start you have two or three competing formats.. For example in Video Tape
Open reel
Now, each version has it's advantages (the last two are professional)
except for perhaps Alpha.. That one was never much good.
But till the market finally settled on VHS,, Folks who bought Beta were left in the cold (Sony's fault by the way.. I have some no longer supported Sony hardware here too. Still works though and dang good, just not Video (Was never video)).
Same with ATSC, there were some other formats competing before they settled on ATSC,, and there still are competiting formats so if you buy the wrong model, when the dust settles. NO JOY.