After Katrina a large number of them (thousands) were stored at our local airport, they were then auctioned off in large lots (hundreds), the main local buyer (who owns an RV dealership) then moved them to the local fairgrounds, and auctioned them off. I went to a couple of these auctions, and auction previews, about 30% of the trailers were never issued out, most of these were the stripped down made for FEMA park models, however about 30% were off the lot standard RV trailers, a few were even nicer brands. One I recall considering bidding on was a 25 ft Nash 4 seasons model, the bidding went up to about $7,000 on that one, which I thought was a bit high given it was very lived in. Some of them smelled so bad people would not even set foot in them (pet urine), other of the RV off the lot models had been stripped of parts and never issues (stoves, refrigerators, toilets, etc.)