I agree. I had a small underhood fire once due to my van alternator failng, overheating, and then catching on fire on a 95 degree day while I was towing my camper down the highway. As I was pulling over with smoke boiling up from under the hood, the engine stalled, probably due to the alternator freezing up and causing the serpentine belt to put too much drag on the engine at idle. So no power brakes and no power steering. Ah, the memories. . . .
I popped the hood and jumped out, saw the alternator in flames and immediately ran to the camper because I knew I had a fire extinguisher right inside the door. Grabbed it and used it to smother the flames before any more damage was done. That little extinguisher saved my van as well as our vacation. Only had to replace the alternator.
I also had an extinguisher in my van but it was way in the back under clothes and other things. I knew I could get at the camper extinguisher a lot quicker.