When it got really dry or long periods without rain we've seen fleas come out of the fields and woods. All the animals have some, of them.
I'm behind schedule. I've got to spray the yard around the house.
We've had to use one of those traps with a light and stick pad a couple times. They work well. If you get an infestation, it'll have to be sprayed.
I've seen some places that no one should be living in.
We sprayed good with a product called Home Defense and haven't had any problems in garage, basement or home, this year. Can't use it on the grass, even if you could use a wide enough spray pattern. It kills the grass.
Not sure which product, I'll get tomorrow but hose end sprayer application does good right around house.
Don't really want to use anything. We have many of those very small gray brownish/grayish, some pink and cream, on bottom snakes, in the grass.
They have tiny bullet shaped heads and beady little black eyes. They eat crickets and worms and such. I hope they eat those little black scorpions, we've had.