Jun-27-2020 09:56 AM
Jun-28-2020 07:00 PM
2014 RAM 3500 Diesel 4x4 Dually long bed. B&W RVK3600 hitch • 2015 Crossroads Elevation Homestead Toy Hauler ("The Taj Mahauler") • <\br >Toys:
Jun-28-2020 03:06 PM
Jun-28-2020 10:21 AM
Jun-28-2020 10:19 AM
rfloyd99 wrote:
Cummins2014, I agree with you and the others who posted in favor of safety. We are firm believers in staying safe AND doing the right thing regarding not spreading the virus to others, as mentioned in the original post (wearing masks, staying home as much possible, etc).
Regarding travelling across several states during the pandemic, we feel we have had very low risk of becoming infected due to how (retired, stay at home) and where (within the state) we live.
Also we are firm believers in doing what is needed to make things work in our increasingly difficult society - such as following rules and laws for the greater good. We have all given up certain "personal freedoms" so that order and safety can be maintained.
I'm active on other forums like this one for the several activities and interests I have. ALL OF THEM exist for the purpose of sharing information about their narrow specialty. ALL OF THEM have rules about not including politics, religion, etc. in the discussions.
I think these rules are necessary for the forums to function as intended, not to mention for the freedom to enjoy our pastimes away from the intrusion of politics and the like.
This is not a freedom of speech issue, the forum is a private endeavor with the right to limit activities thereon.
I'm always a vocal advocate for a forum to stick to its purpose.
Jun-28-2020 08:37 AM
wanderingaimlessly wrote:
No matter how much some of the Governors want to, they are not going to be able to demand your "papers" Nazi style.
You may get asked at some point if an area is having real problems, but I wouldn't let it stop me from going. In each case simply stating where you are going and that you're a turtle (carrying your house on your back) and therefore are social distancing should end any questions as long as you don't leave the US.
Jun-28-2020 08:36 AM
Jun-28-2020 07:54 AM
rfloyd99 wrote:
OP here. Thanks for the suggestions about receipts, getting a test, etc. Also for posting the experiences you've had traveling lately. Any additional info is welcome.
If anyone has any knowledge about accessing travel records in Google Maps please chime in.
To those who want to espouse and/or discuss their political or cultural views regarding the virus issue, start your own thread. Maybe on some forum that exists for that purpose.
Jun-28-2020 07:52 AM
monkey44 wrote:ferndaleflyer wrote:
I suppose we could all ignore no smoking signs, speed limits, red lights, etc. I hate masks but if it will help I will wear one. Why would you resist something that is for your own good? Guy in the video is nothing more than an instigator trying to start some drama period.
I think of it as just another safety factor. One can choose to wear safety googles in a shop, or take a chance on losing an eye. I've been choosing safety googles for many, many years - and occasionally look at the scratches and chips that might otherwise have damaged my vision.
So, we do have the freedom of choice - wear googles or not, wear masks or not. Perhaps suffer the consequences of your personal choice, perhaps not. It's not a political decision, it's a safety decision.
Jun-28-2020 07:40 AM
Jun-28-2020 06:50 AM
ferndaleflyer wrote:
I suppose we could all ignore no smoking signs, speed limits, red lights, etc. I hate masks but if it will help I will wear one. Why would you resist something that is for your own good? Guy in the video is nothing more than an instigator trying to start some drama period.
Jun-28-2020 06:19 AM
Jun-27-2020 11:34 PM
garym114 wrote:
Get a covid test. will be your passport
Jun-27-2020 08:30 PM
Boon Docker wrote:
The guy in that video above is a total moron. Unfortunately there are way too many out there like him.
Jun-27-2020 07:33 PM
Planning wrote:
The issue of the liberty to travel is being litigated right now: